Chronic fatigue - Restorative Health Center

Chronic Fatigue: Symptoms, Causes, and Management

Chronic fatigue is a complex and debilitating disorder characterized by extreme fatigue or exhaustion that persists for more than 6 months and is not relieved by rest. The key characteristic of chronic fatigue is that the exhaustion is disproportionate to the activity level and impairs normal functioning.

Key Signs and Symptoms

Some key signs and symptoms of chronic fatigue include:

Symptom Description
Severe mental and physical exhaustion Occurs after minimal activity
Post-exertional malaise Worsening of symptoms after activity or exertion
Unrefreshing sleep or insomnia Difficulty getting quality sleep
Cognitive issues Difficulty concentrating or problems with short-term memory
Pain Muscle and joint pain, headaches
Tender lymph nodes Swollen or sensitive lymph nodes
Sore throat Persistent or recurring sore throat

Potential Factors

While the exact cause of chronic fatigue is unknown, some potential factors include:

Chronic fatigue often follows a pattern of good days and bad days in cycles of remission and relapse. Stress, physical exertion, or infections can trigger worsening of symptoms. Pacing activities and rest is essential to avoid crashing.

Listen to your body and pace yourself.

Managing Chronic Fatigue

Some key tips for managing chronic fatigue include:

Management Technique Description
Prioritization Setting priorities and letting go of nonessentials
Pacing Planning and pacing activities with rest periods
Quality sleep Getting quality sleep and resting when needed
Nutrition Eating nutritious and energizing foods
Stress reduction Reducing stress through relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation
Gentle exercise Engaging in gentle exercises like walking, swimming or stretching
Avoiding overexertion Avoiding crashing by not overexerting oneself

Treatment is aimed at symptom management as there is no known cure. Some options include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), medications, supplements, lifestyle modifications, and graded exercise. Though challenging, with proper care many can find ways to adjust activities to their energy envelope and improve quality of life.

The severity of chronic fatigue varies greatly. While most are able to maintain at least some daily activities, the most severely affected may be housebound or even bedridden for extended periods. Support and accommodations from family, friends, school, or employers can make a tremendous difference in coping.


The best chance of improvement comes from pacing activity, reducing stress, eating nutritious food, resting when needed, and finding the right balance of activity and rest. Though difficult, with time many find ways to successfully adapt and manage the erratic energy levels. Relief may come and go, but each remission period can be embraced as an opportunity to engage in meaningful activities when possible. With patience and perseverance, a fulfilling life is still possible.

At Restorative Health Center, we help patients with chronic fatigue optimize their hormones for more energy, better sleep, and an improved sense of well-being. Our integrative approach combines bioidentical hormone therapy with customized nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle plans to reduce fatigue and brain fog. Rebalance your cortisol, thyroid, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone and more for a new vitality. Contact us today for a consultation!

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